Archaeological Museum
The Archaeological Museum of the city is located in Casa de la Marquesa de Valero de Palma, in Cavallers street nº 3.
Historical interest
The museum has arranged its rooms according to the city’s development, from its earliest origins until the 18th Century, divided into four areas which correspond to the different ages of its development:
Iberian Dénia: Iberian settlement (l’Alt de Benimaquia ruins, etc.) and beginning of the Roman colonization.
Roman Dianivm: The city of Dianium and its evolution.
Islamic Daniya: The city of Daniya and the importance of the Taifa Kingdom of Dénia.
Medieval and Modern Dénia: Christian Era. The city during the 13th – 18th Centuries.
Dénia’s history and archaeology are intimately linked to its port activity and it was an essential trading city from where ships navigated the Mediterranean Sea.
The four areas exhibit pieces that form the basis of a museographic proposal always linked to the sea and to the relations between cultures, stand out: the balsamarium representing the god Mercury (2nd century BC), the collection of Islamic bronzes, many of them of oriental origin (11th-12th centuries), the Ataifor depicting an Andalusian nave from Qayrawân and the Andalusian ceramics produced locally or imported.
Saturdays at 11:30 free guided tour in Spanish.
Opening times:
Monday to Saturday: 10 - 14h / 16 - 19h.
Sunday and holidays: 9 - 15h.
Closed: 25th December, 1st January, 19th March and 1st May.